Our Calculators
Need an easier way to calculate your finances? Want to know how much you can borrow, what your basic loan repayments will be or even compare loan products? These free easy-to-use online calculators can help you do that and more!
Loan Repayment Calculator
Calculate your monthly payments quickly and accurately with our loan repayment calculator.
Borrowing Power Calculator
Determine your borrowing capacity in seconds with our borrowing power calculator.
Budget Planner Calculator
Plan your finances effectively with our user-friendly budget planner tool.
Comparison Rate Calculator
Compare loan options effortlessly with our handy comparison rate calculator.
Credit Card Payment Calculator
Manage your credit card repayments easily with our credit card payment calculator.
Extra Repayment Calculator
Find out how much you can save on interest with our extra repayment calculator.
Home Loan Offset Calculator
Explore potential savings on your mortgage with our home loan offset calculator.
'How long to Repay' Calculator
Calculate the time needed to pay off your loan with our repayment duration calculator.
Interest Only Calculator
Evaluate repayments for an interest-only mortgage using our calculator.
Lump Sum Repayment Calculator
Discover the impact of lump sum payments on your loan with our calculator.
Loan Comparison Calculator
Compare loan features and costs easily with our loan comparison calculator.
Buying a Property Calculator
Estimate costs and affordability when buying a property with our calculator.
Selling a Property Calculator
Plan your finances when selling property with our selling property calculator.
Income Tax Calculator
Calculate your income tax liability accurately with our income tax calculator.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Estimate stamp duty costs for property transactions with our stamp duty calculator.
Annual Income Calculator
Calculate your annual income quickly and accurately with our calculator.
Income Gross Up Calculator
Determine your gross income after tax with our income gross-up calculator.
'How Much to Deposit' Calculator
Calculate the deposit required for a property purchase with our deposit calculator.
Fortnightly Repayment Calculator
Calculate fortnightly loan repayments with our repayment calculator.
Mortgage Switching Calculator
Evaluate savings from switching mortgages with our switching calculator.
Rent vs Buy Calculator
Compare the costs of renting versus buying property with our rent vs buy calculator.